Well, I finally did it. I posted my first items to teacher pay teachers. I uploaded an exit ticket and a primary source flipchart. The flipchart is based on the story of little girl Grace Bedell and her letter to Abraham Lincoln. It really is a cute story. In the letter Grace basically told Lincoln he would get more votes for president if he grew a beard because he was so homely. Lincoln wrote her back and the rest is history. It is part of the lesson I was doing during my "informal" Compass evaluation. If you are a teacher in Louisiana- you know all about Compass. It is the new teacher evaluation tool based on the Danielson rubric. My students really enjoyed the lesson and are anxiously awaiting responses to their letters to President Obama.
Center Choices |
Page from flipchart |
Filling out an exit ticket |
Which do you prefer? Whiskers it is! |
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